Nonprofit Giveaway Ideas to Attract Donors and Supporters

Welcome to our guide on nonprofit giveaway ideas that will help attract donors and supporters to your organization. In today’s world, where there are various options for people to donate their time and resources, nonprofits need to stand out and offer something unique. This guide will explore innovative and creative ideas that can help your organization to do just that.

Why Having a Giveaway is Important for Nonprofits

Giving away free items or services is a longstanding marketing tactic used by businesses to attract new customers, increase loyalty, and boost brand awareness. Nonprofits can use this same tactic to stand out in a crowded market and attract potential donors and supporters.

A giveaway can also help to achieve the following objectives:

Build brand awareness

When you give something away for free, people are more likely to remember your organization and the cause you represent. A well-executed giveaway can catch the attention of people who have never heard of your nonprofit before.

Generate leads

A giveaway provides an opportunity to collect contact information from people who are interested in your nonprofit’s mission. This information can be used for future outreach and fundraising efforts.

Increase website traffic

If you run a giveaway on your website or social media channels, it can drive traffic to your website and social media pages. This can also have a positive impact on your search engine rankings.

Show appreciation

A giveaway offers a chance to thank donors and supporters for their contributions to your nonprofit. By giving something back, you show that you value their support and are grateful for their help.

Generate social media exposure

Social media platforms are a great way to promote your giveaway and increase your nonprofit’s exposure. People who enter your giveaway may share it with their friends and followers, which can lead to an increase in engagement and followers for your nonprofit’s social media pages.

Incentivize giving

A giveaway can incentivize giving by offering a prize for a donation. This can encourage people to give more than they would have without the added incentive.

Increase donor retention

Offering a giveaway to donors can increase their sense of loyalty and commitment to your organization. When people feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to continue supporting your cause in the future.

Nonprofit Giveaway Ideas

Here are some creative and innovative giveaway ideas that can help your nonprofit stand out:

1. Branded Merchandise

Branded merchandise like t-shirts, water bottles, tote bags, and hats are great giveaway items. People love to receive free stuff, and if it’s something they can use in their everyday lives, they are more likely to remember your organization.

2. Exclusive VIP Experience

Offering an exclusive experience that donors or supporters can’t get anywhere else can be a big draw. This could be a private tour of your nonprofit’s facilities, a VIP event, or a meet and greet with your organization’s leadership.

3. Recognition on Your Website

Acknowledging donors or supporters on your website can be a great way to show appreciation and thank them publicly. This could include a thank you message, a personalized message, or a donor wall.

4. Free Admission to an Event

If your nonprofit organizes events, offering free admission to donors or supporters can be a great way to show appreciation and provide added value.

5. A Thank You Letter from Your CEO

Sending a personalized thank you letter from your organization’s CEO can go a long way in showing appreciation to donors or supporters.

6. Social Media Shoutout

Giving a shoutout to donors or supporters on social media can demonstrate your organization’s gratitude and show others what great work they are enabling you to do.

7. Donate to a Cause of Their Choice

Offer donors or supporters the chance to select a cause that your nonprofit will donate to on their behalf. This can make donors feel involved and empowered while supporting a variety of causes.

8. A Donation Match

Encourage donations by offering to match any donation up to a certain amount. This can incentivize people to give more than they would have otherwise.

9. Virtual Event Swag Bag

If your nonprofit has a virtual event, consider offering a virtual swag bag to attendees. This can include digital downloads, exclusive content, and other virtual items.

10. A Personalized Video Message

Sending donors or supporters a personalized video message can show them how much you appreciate their support while also providing a unique experience.

11. Make a Wish Come True

Offer donors or supporters the chance to make a wish come true for someone in need you serve. This can make donors feel personally connected to your mission and see the direct impact of their donation.

12. Partner with Local Businesses

Partner with local businesses to offer donors or supporters exclusive discounts or other promotions. This not only incentivizes donations but can also build community goodwill.

13. Customized Thank You Stickers

Sending out thank you cards or notes with customized stickers can be a simple but effective way to show donors or supporters that you value their support.

Nonprofit Giveaway Ideas Table

Giveaway Idea Objective Examples
Branded Merchandise Build brand awareness T-shirts, water bottles, hats
Exclusive VIP Experience Incentivize giving Private tour, VIP event, meet and greet
Recognition on Your Website Increase donor retention Donor wall, thank you message
Free Admission to an Event Show appreciation Concert, fundraiser, gala
A Thank You Letter from Your CEO Show appreciation Personalized letter, phone call
Social Media Shoutout Generate social media exposure Tagged post, highlight on Instagram story
Donate to a Cause of Their Choice Incentivize giving List of causes, donation match
A Donation Match Incentivize giving Double the donation for every dollar given
Virtual Event Swag Bag Show appreciation Access to exclusive content, digital downloads
A Personalized Video Message Generate social media exposure Instagram video, personalized message
Make a Wish Come True Show appreciation Purchase an item for someone in need
Partner with Local Businesses Build brand awareness Exclusive discounts, promotions
Customized Thank You Stickers Show appreciation Personalized stickers, thank-you cards


1. How do I choose a giveaway idea for my nonprofit?

Consider what would be most appealing and relevant to your target audience. Think about your nonprofit’s mission and how you can tie the giveaway into it.

2. How do I fund a giveaway?

You can use funds from your nonprofit’s budget or solicit donations from supporters specifically for the purpose of the giveaway.

3. How do I promote my giveaway?

Use social media, email marketing, and your nonprofit’s website to promote your giveaway. Be sure to highlight the prize and the rules for entry.

4. What are some best practices for running a giveaway?

Set clear rules and guidelines, be transparent about the winners and prizes, and follow up with all participants to thank them for entering.

5. Can I offer multiple giveaways at once?

Yes, you can offer multiple giveaways, but be sure to tailor them to different segments of your target audience.

6. How often should I run a giveaway?

The frequency of your giveaways will depend on your resources and your audience’s interest. Some nonprofits run giveaways monthly or quarterly, while others may only do one per year.

7. Should I require a donation to enter my giveaway?

It’s up to you, but requiring a donation may limit the number of entries you receive. Consider offering a prize for a donation instead of requiring it for entry.


Nonprofit giveaway ideas can be a fun and effective way to attract new donors and supporters while showing appreciation for existing ones. By offering something unique and valuable, you can stand out in a crowded market and boost your nonprofit’s exposure and brand awareness. Consider the ideas outlined in this guide and tailor them to your nonprofit’s mission and target audience.

Remember that giveaways are just one part of a comprehensive marketing and fundraising strategy. Be sure to follow up with all participants and donors, and continue to engage with them beyond the giveaway.

We hope this guide has been helpful in providing you with inspiration and ideas for your nonprofit giveaway. Good luck!


Thank you for reading our guide on nonprofit giveaway ideas. We hope you found it informative and helpful in planning your next giveaway. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out to us at [insert contact information].

Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is for educational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice. Nonprofits should consult with legal and fundraising professionals before launching any marketing or fundraising campaigns.